Building a Custom Mainline Linux Kernel System on the Orange Pi PC

Markus | Updated Sunday, August 6th 2017, 09:21

Figure 1. The Orange Pi PC single board computer
This post will explain how to build an Arch Linux system with the latest mainline Linux kernel for the Orange Pi PC by Xunlong from scratch. The target system is intended for server use only. Graphical features, while they may work, have not been tested and are not the focus of this post. The tutorial starts with a completely blank SD card, which means the following steps need to be accomplished in order to reach the goal:
  • Build the cross compiler
  • Build U-Boot
  • Partition the SD card and install U-Boot
  • Build the Linux kernel
  • Install it and the Arch Root FS onto the SD Card
  • Fun and profit :)

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Tags: linux orangepi software

Home File Server Upgrade

Markus | Sunday, July 24th 2016, 10:00

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In this video I will show you one of the recent upgrades to my file server I have at home.

It had a cheap power supply and the original fans in there and I finally decided to invest the money and change them in the hope of better temperatures and longer lifespan for the entire system.

Specs of the current hardware:

  • Mainboard: AsrockRack C2550D4I Mainboard
  • CPU: Intel Atom C2550 Quad-Core
  • HDD: 4x 4TB HDD in Freenas' RAIDZ2
  • Case: Silverstone DS380 Case
  • PSU: Silverstone SFX 300W power supply
  • Fans: BeQuiet Pure Wings 2 (PWM)

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Tags: computer server video

Using Sigasi with GHDL and GtkWave

Markus | Tuesday, May 10th 2016, 17:43

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This video demonstrates a little program I wrote to emulate vcom/vsim using GHDL. It enables Sigasi to check syntax and to simulate using GHDL/GtkWave.


Tags: fpga ghdl gtkwave vhdl video

Lorem Ipsum | Tuesday, May 3rd 2016, 00:00

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce in ligula nec lorem ullamcorper dignissim non accumsan metus. Phasellus in erat placerat, congue sapien et, efficitur urna. Maecenas sit amet mauris efficitur, porta enim eu, fringilla felis. Donec sed est dictum leo mollis finibus nec iaculis felis. Curabitur consequat ante tortor. Maecenas porta urna quis lobortis facilisis. Ut elementum vulputate arcu, nec egestas metus accumsan eleifend.

Sed ac ligula nec velit faucibus faucibus at sit amet libero. Donec dignissim tristique arcu, non posuere tortor pulvinar et. Curabitur nec tristique turpis, et luctus nisi. Cras convallis faucibus justo, eget facilisis arcu. Integer ullamcorper nisl nulla, mattis egestas quam imperdiet non. Nullam vel dolor accumsan, maximus orci vitae, semper ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Figure 1. Vestibulum maximus sem eget neque.

As shown in Figure 1, the referencing systems works.

Aenean eu tempus metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam aliquam lorem quis odio rhoncus hendrerit. Praesent mollis sit amet massa sit amet ultrices. Proin eget metus mattis, accumsan ipsum ut, fermentum nisl. Integer vitae erat arcu. Nunc condimentum ipsum quis tellus finibus, id posuere ex volutpat. Ut in dapibus leo, et volutpat metus. Donec bibendum urna at libero tristique egestas. Suspendisse sit amet erat justo. Praesent a ante at metus malesuada viverra. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Pellentesque nec laoreet arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque sed commodo felis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam accumsan ex a est sagittis eleifend non ut lorem. Quisque eget ante vel felis venenatis dignissim. Proin vulputate metus eu urna porttitor cursus. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Vivamus sit amet libero eget lacus molestie fringilla. Mauris quis ligula enim. Vestibulum vestibulum quam vitae pellentesque venenatis. Aenean tincidunt maximus augue, a sollicitudin justo placerat non. Mauris egestas ligula in semper porta. Sed rhoncus fringilla aliquam. Pellentesque sem elit, consectetur ut lacus vitae, rhoncus ultricies tortor. Integer lacinia libero id tortor consequat tincidunt. Donec maximus maximus leo et sodales. Mauris pretium tortor vitae neque fringilla, id sollicitudin quam tempor. Nunc mollis scelerisque tortor at vulputate.

Tags: untagged

DIY power amplifier

Markus | Thursday, December 10th 2015, 15:55

In one of my older videos, I tested an audio power amplifier circuit by Douglas Self [1] on a breadboard.

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After that evaluation showed how great the design really is, I decided to create a real PCB design for it so I can actually use this as one of my daily use amps.

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Tags: audio hardware

Older blog entries

Markus | Friday, August 22nd 2014, 16:12

My old blog entries and videos released under "CClassicVideos" can be found on

Figure 1. My old website.

Should the website be unreachable, you can view an archived version over on

Tags: personal video

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